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Opportunities If The Glass Is Half Full Or Disasters If It Is Half Empty
In recent weeks the stock market volatility, more bad news on the subprime mortgage mess, less then stellar government economic reports, and predictions by various “doom and gloom” business gurus have made it look like blood will soon be (or already is) running in the streets. Yes, this difficult turn of financial events has hurt or even devastated some people and businesses, and yes, more will follow.
Housing Now Costs More Than Food In Most British HouseholdsThe average British household now spends less on food and more on housing in a complete reversal of the situation that existed 50 years ago, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). It is the 50th anniversary of the ONS Family Expenditure Survey and to celebrate the significant date the agency has highlighted the differences in how household income is spent. According to the survey rent or mortgage interest payments in 2006 accounted for 19 per cent of Briton’s annual spending compared to only nine per cent in 1957.