Após ser eleito presidente da Colômbia neste domingo, 19, o esquerdista Gustavo Petro dedicou sua vitória no segundo turno das eleições presidenciais, que qualificou como “a primeira vitória popular”, aos cidadãos. Os comentaristas do Morning Show debatem sobre o que significa essa vitória para a América Latina.
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Businessmen Bail Out Banks
I was speaking to someone a moment ago who asked me what I did. ‘I am an independent financial adviser’. I said. ‘Ah, you are the cause of the problems in the economy then!’ He blubbered. I responded with ‘yep, every last bit of it, every last bit’.
The Economic Effects of Unemployment Insurance in CanadaIt is undeniable that the current state of the Canadian economy is grim. Unemployment rates are at unprecedented highs and the labour market is at an all time low. During times of economic uncertainty and general unease about the market, social programs experience particular scrutiny and pressure.