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“Esse caso do homem asfixiado é de uma…”

by Infonew
"Esse caso do homem asfixiado é de uma..."

O laudo do Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Sergipe apontou que asfixia mecânica e insuficiência respiratória aguda foram as causas da morte de Genivaldo de Jesus Santos, de 38 anos, o homem imobilizado por policiais rodoviários federais e colocado dentro do porta-malas de uma viatura.

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The Credit Crunch – The Peanut Gallery is Watching & Waiting

One of the most read, recent articles in the business section of UK newspaper, The Guardian, is by Will Hutton. In his piece, entitled, “Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn’t a mistake – it was a con,” the writer gets down to business and baldly accuses banks of not mis-management, but fraud.

The Goldman Sachs Fiasco

Bloomberg reports that after a brutal grilling by the US congressional committee on allegations of fraud, the investment bank seemed to walk away with an increased market value of over $500m! Talk about the adage of “there’s no such thing as bad press.”

Careers That Will Stay In-Demand in the Next Years

There are some careers that will never go out of style. These jobs are actually meant to help a certain town, city, or even community alive and raring to go.

Sovereign Debt Crisis Hard Hits the Globe

Sovereign debt crisis is hard hitting the country around the world. It’s time to wake up and make a wise assessment of the causes, signs, and symptoms of debt crisis.

The Evolution of Paper Money

Commodity money came about due to the problem of coincidence of wants. With an almost universal use of paper money as a means of trade, is it possible to be replaced by electronic or plastic money? Some say no because money, be it commodity or paper currency needs to be tangible as it is to be traded also for a product that is tangible.

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