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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
Distributed Prosperity
Human civilization is whatever we, the people of earth, make it. We can improve the distribution of the benefits of our booming world economy, by making it more friendly for small scale free enterprise. Big business can be designed to serve small business in a mutually beneficial arrangement.
The Texas Miracle – Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The CurtainA budget crisis is looming in Texas. Look for budget cuts and what this means for the future of the State of Texas.
Free Markets Become Fascism As the Line Between the Private and Public Sector FadesA revolving door exists between the decision makers in government and the executives in the so called private industries they regulate. The key to restoring freedom in this country is to eliminate the special interest groups in everything. Lobbyists should go packing. The partnership between government and private industry must end.
Knowing the Largest Convention Center of the WorldThere are various aspects of the dispute regarding the status of the largest convention center of the world. The may have different sub units or the building may host various similar but smaller centers. The conventions centers can be categorized as bigger or smaller in terms of their areas, capacity, and the total number of people it can host at a time.
How Economic History Has Repeated ItselfThe question of how Economic History has repeated itself has become quite relevant during this latest economic downturn, an Economic Depression for millions of Americans. Many, so called Experts, wring their hands claiming it’s a World wide catastrophe and nothing could have been done to prevent it.