Ao ser questionado sobre a interferência do Estado em tópicos referentes à sociedade, Mangabeira Unger estabelece uma relação entre o desejo do povo de ter uma maior participação na vida pública com o papel político da estrutura de viabilizar tais mudanças sociais e reconstruir o mercado e as instituições.
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What Is the National Debt?
The United States has a serious debt problem. We currently owe $14 to private organizations and other countries. We have to come up with a way to solve our economic issues.
Buzz Lightyear Bernanke to the Rescue – Taking the Deficit to Infinity and Beyond!Did you hear that? That was Ben Bernanke trading in his helicopter for a rocket ship. In his recent testimony, Buzz told Congress that the central bank is prepared to take additional action, if the economy appears to be in danger of stalling… for the immediate future of the stock market…
Increased Government Regulations May Stall Trucking GrowthThis article goes into detail about how the new government security regulations for truckers are putting a strain on the industry’s recovery. In the article you’ll also find information about what types of security programs are already in place and what the possible solutions are to this impasses between congress and the trucking industry.
Faith and the Dollar CollapseAll indications are that the dollar will take a serious hit within the next year. Many experts believe that the dollar will completely collapse and plunge the USA into a period of difficult times. There are those who take the “Trust in God, He will provide” approach and they fail to prepare for the inevitable. This is not only Biblically unsound, it is also highly foolish.
The Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) – Independent Compilation“There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness. Knowingly or unknowingly humans are indeed running after limitlessness.” Shrii P. R. Sarkar When discussing the problems confronting today’s world many people share a common vision: economics based on caring and cooperation, ethically based leadership, a sustainable environment, a strong community base. Following the demise of Communism in Europe those of us concerned about society being split into two distinct groups by the reign of capitalism – the haves and have nots – have sought external solutions to a growing social dilemma. To talk of creating a ‘steady-state’ economy makes sense yet this remains an elusive quest as the real source of power for change has not been realized…..