Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Bolsolândia fez contorcionismos para achar justificativas da prisão de Milton Ribeiro

Fábio Piperno: Bolsolândia fez contorcionismos para achar justificativas da prisão de Milton Ribeiro

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Bolsolândia fez contorcionismos para achar justificativas da prisão de Milton Ribeiro

Fábio Piperno analisa como a prisão de Milton Ribeiro resulta do trabalho de investigação contínua da Polícia Federal desde a divulgação do áudio do ex-ministro e o surgimento dos primeiros fatos ligados à prática de pastorgate pelo governo Bolsonaro.

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Recession – It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over (In the Immortal Words of Yogi Berra)

This recession isn’t going to end until jobs are created in sufficient numbers to get laid off workers back on the job – and the bloodletting of job cuts comes to a screeching halt. It’s not going to end until consumer confidence builds to levels not seen for many years.

Consumer Behaviour During the Recession

Recessions can bring upon radical and disruptive changes in consumer behaviour. The OTO Research report confirms that during this recession 80% of consumers are going to change their spending habits. 89% of consumers are going to systematically check online what and where the best products are, and what their value for money is. Consumers are getting savvy in the way they optimize their spending. During a recession, the role of your brand is to build trust and justify the value for money.

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