Home Nacionais e Internacionais Fábio Piperno: Crítica de Lula a Zelesnky assemelham-se com as de setores da direita

Fábio Piperno: Crítica de Lula a Zelesnky assemelham-se com as de setores da direita

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Crítica de Lula a Zelesnky assemelham-se com as de setores da direita

Fábio Piperno comenta sobre como as críticas da direita em relação à capa de Lula na Revista Time reflete mais uma frustração com as relações exteriores de Bolsonaro, e explica porque as falas do petista sobre Zelensky são válidas.

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Wall Street Reopens After Hurricane Sandy – Will This Change the Election Results?

Typically and historically speaking after a big natural disaster there is a sell-off on Wall Street. This time with Hurricane Sandy, many of the late “earnings” announcements are not going to be favorable, plus, the damage to the financial sector, insurance sector, and the disruption in supply chains and retail sales mean the following quarter will not have stellar results either. Not that the Q4 2012 results were going to be breaking any speed records anyway, but, now the stock market could take a hit. When the stock market goes down right before the election, it often changes the election results.

Why I Am So Worried About Spain’s Future

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Breaking News – What Can Deadly Storms Teach Us About Our True Identity?

If we think we can do it alone we are fools. The storm in the Northeast has most Americans on pins and needles. While people have no control over the weather they do have control over the thoughts of mind. We have the power to choose, what we don’t have is the power to choose the consequences of our choice. Living life on our own terms can cause us heartache and trauma. How sad is it that it takes trauma for people to turn to God for help and answers. This timing of this storm has many people questioning the Presidential Election. Is this circumstantial? The answer depends upon perception of how we view our own identity. Are we a creation of God or have we just simply evolved into the intellectuals that we claim to be?

Storm Destruction – It Is a Myth That It Helps the Economy By Putting People To Work Rebuilding

I’m always amazed by political pundits who tell us that there is a bright side after some natural disaster or in the case of civil unrest in some country. They tell us that after the damage has been done, just think of all those people who will be employed rebuilding it all? I disagree with this concept, because I understand free-market capitalism and how economies actually grow and operate. Disruptions, especially large-scale disruptions as we witnessed in late October of 2012 with Hurricane Super Storm Sandy, hurt commerce, supply chains, and took a big bite out of the Big Apple and out of our economy.

A Grim Future for Workers

Workers in the US today face serious problems. With unemployment high and signs of recovery spotty, even people with a job worry about when the ax may fall on them. In these times when people are spending less, business are trying to improve their bottom line by increasing productivity: they work their employees harder, cut their benefits wherever they can, and invest in machines that will replace workers. What does this trend mean for the future of workers and the middle class?

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