Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro no 2º turno ainda é bem folgada

Fábio Piperno: Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro no 2º turno ainda é bem folgada

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro no 2º turno ainda é bem folgada

Fábio Piperno analisa como o levantamento do Poder Data que aponta a queda da diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro refere-se especificamente ao 1º turno das eleições, e destaca como a vantagem do petista no 2º turno tende a ser ampliada com a soma dos votos herdados dos respectivos eleitorados de Ciro Gomes e Simone Tebet.

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The Credit Crunch Deflated the Housing Bubble

Loan standards vary over time as the credit cycle loosens and tightens. Many borrowers in the bubble rally were qualified with low credit scores, very high combined-loan-to-values, high debt-to-income ratios, and little or no income verification. When the ensuing credit crunch occurred, all of these standards were tightened and many of those who previously qualified did not qualify under the new standards. If no other conditions changed, this tightening of standards would have forced many borrowers into foreclosure; however, this credit tightening caused a chain reaction sending market prices for residential real estate which were already falling into an even steeper decline.

Flashback – Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and the Y2K McGuffin – Just a Theory

A McGuffin is a term used by film makers and story tellers, representing a plot point that moves the story forward, has little relevance to the actual story, and is generally forgotten by the audience. For the purpose of this article, some background and history needs to be set to fully understand the McGuffin. I recognized it several years after while researching societal impact of presidential actions vs their promises or intended promises, congress not-withstanding, particularly on Main Street USA, because pocketbook issues drive most elections.

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