Home Nacionais e Internacionais Fábio Piperno: Fux e Pacheco conversam para tentar esfriar temperatura política

Fábio Piperno: Fux e Pacheco conversam para tentar esfriar temperatura política

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Fux e Pacheco conversam para tentar esfriar temperatura política

Fábio Piperno analisa a repercussão do agravamento da crise institucional entre os poderes em meio ao mandato de Bolsonaro, e observa as intenções políticas por trás do encontro entre Fux e Pacheco

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Economic Hardship and the Middle Class Squeeze – That’s No Recovery

It seems every time we turn around it is the middle class which takes in the shorts. The middle-class is the group of folks that pay the most in taxes, and also provide the productivity for this great nation. Without them we wouldn’t have greatness, as they are the ones that provide the fuel to keep our economy going. It is interesting to hear the politicians talk about the middle class, and then go right on doing what they’ve always done – giving them the shaft.

The Value of Depressions and Recessions: Why Have We Not Recovered?

Why hasn’t the economy recovered? Will it? If so, when? Many political pundits, and politicians have weighed in, and so have many economists. But maybe, just maybe, they are all missing something.

What Is the Fiscal Cliff and Will America Fall Off It?

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Consumers And Investors Confident Even As Global Recession Threatens Anew!

While the IMF warns that the risk of the world dropping back into a global recession “are alarmingly high”, and U.S. corporations and institutional investment managers are positioned on the same worry, U.S. public investors and consumers have no such worries according to the latest sentiment reports.

Why We Don’t Need Economic Growth

Growth for the sake of growth is a bankrupt idea and yet the drive for economic growth is an ideology that is so ingrained in us from an early age that most people think it’s a fact. The actual fact is that relentless economic growth doesn’t add meaning or happiness to peoples’ lives. Studies have shown that once countries reach a certain level of economic productivity general happiness does not increase.

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