Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Gestores da Petrobras não tinham como fazer outra coisa a não ser o reajuste

Fábio Piperno: Gestores da Petrobras não tinham como fazer outra coisa a não ser o reajuste

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Gestores da Petrobras não tinham como fazer outra coisa a não ser o reajuste

Fábio Piperno reitera como os reajustes da Petrobras no preço dos combustíveis resultam necessariamente do cumprimento de certas regras do mercado internacional, e analisa as respectivas táticas de Lula e Bolsonaro de transformar o tema num debate entre torcidas.

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Why Recession Recovery Will Be Slow

Austin is one of 79 metro areas across the country to be officially out of the recession, according to Moody’s. Although the state of Texas is still considered to be suffering the constraints of the recession, Austin and seven other Texas cities have been given the all clear. This determination was based on an index that included employment, housing starts and home prices.

Double Dippity Do Dah – Economic Crisis is Not Over

One of the things that worries most economists right now is the chance that we may go into a double dip recession. If you’ll recall the economic collapse was centered around the banking industry. Well, things are not under control yet.

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