Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Lira já pavimenta sua avenida para estabelecer boa convivência caso Lula seja eleito

Fábio Piperno: Lira já pavimenta sua avenida para estabelecer boa convivência caso Lula seja eleito

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Lira já pavimenta sua avenida para estabelecer boa convivência caso Lula seja eleito

Fábio Piperno analisa como a fala de Lira destaca-se sobre as de Dias Toffoli e Pacheco pelo fato da ambiguidade expressa a respeito da segurança do processo eleitoral, explicando como as advertências do presidente da Câmara a Bolsonaro em favor das urnas refletem a preocupação com seu cargo caso Lula seja eleito.

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Car Owners ‘Lack Sufficient Security’

Car owners in London would be well advised to ensure that their vehicles are secure at night following the latest crime statistics released by Admiral Insurance. According to the firm, four districts within the capital have made it into the top ten car crime hotspots in the UK, having experienced higher levels of break-ins and thefts in the last 18 months.

Home Mortgage Lenders Face Three Hundred Billion in Losses

Merrill Lynch’s $8.4 billion write-down on mortgage related securities was a surprise to most analysts. Unfortunately, I believe more losses are coming. By my calculation, the subprime mortgage meltdown could be a $300 billion problem for home mortgage lenders and holders of mortgage-related securities, almost twice the size of the savings and loan crisis that unfolded in the U.S. in the ’80s and ’90s.

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