Fábio Piperno analisa como a pouca presença dos apoiadores de Lula no ato de 1º de maio deveu-se ao fato da manifestação ter sido organizada por entidades sindicais, e aponta como os respectivos eventos não vão abalar o calendário eleitoral
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Mitt Romney’s Economic Plan for the Future – Is It Worth The Paper It Is Written On
During the first presidential debate in 2012 at the University of Colorado in Colorado, Mitt Romney put forth part of his economic plan for the future of our country. His economic plans are hardly secret because he’s been talking about them for over eight years now. Interestingly enough, they haven’t changed all that much, but they do get quite a bit of critique from the opposition party, that is to say the Obama Administration and the Democrats.
How Long Can the US Continue to Spend in Excess of $1 Trillion More Than We Take in Taxes?You are probably well aware that our federal government is now spending $1 trillion more each year than they take in. What you may not know is this; four trillion dollars since the Obama Administration has been in office is almost equal to the amount of government deficit spending if you total up the amount of all of the previous presidents combined. No, I understand that that is comparing apples to oranges, as the value of money has also changed over that same time period. Nevertheless it is a very troubling thought. I’d like to take this to the next level in a very quick intellectual conversation if you have the time.
Factors Responsible For High Inflation Rates in IndiaCost of living has increased tremendously due to high inflation rates in India; the unprecedented rise in prices have made life difficult for a common Indian living in a modern city with limited income sources. A country which believed in “treat guest like god” is now unable to bear the cost of their own daily expenses, then how can they think about welcoming guests. How did it all happen, what are the factors which are responsible for this new trend, is it a sign of a progressive nation or a nation doomed to fall? Economists blame fluctuating demand and supply, but is this the only factor, aren’t there other factors responsible for this trend. Let’s find out more about the causes of inflationary trends in India.
How YOU Can Fix The EconomyThe Keynesian macroeconomic system has attempted to remove the impacts of individuals on the economy. Yet individuals are critical to the economic success of a country. How can we, as individuals, help fix the economy?
A Look Over The Edge Of The Fiscal CliffCan we hope for a soft landing if we tumble over the fiscal cliff? I think so, but we’d better buckle our financial seat belts anyway, because the next few months are going to bring us a bumpy ride politically – and perhaps financially, as well.