Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Novidade de Jefferson será duas candidaturas fazendo campanha para um só candidato

Fábio Piperno: Novidade de Jefferson será duas candidaturas fazendo campanha para um só candidato

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Novidade de Jefferson será duas candidaturas fazendo campanha para um só candidato

Fábio Piperno comenta sobre como o levantamento do Paraná Pesquisas assemelha-se aos dados da última pesquisa eleitoral, e aponta como a candidatura presidencial de Roberto Jefferson inova pelo fato de fazer campanha para Bolsonaro junto com a do próprio presidente.

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Merrill Lynch and the Subprime Mortgage Market

With the surprising news that Bank of America has decided to purchase Wall Street investment firm Merrill Lynch, some of the financial thunder has been stolen away from the bankruptcy of fellow financial firm Lehman Brothers. But Lehman and Merrill are two of a kind, and the collapse of both firms in the space of a few days indicates how much confidence has been lost in any firm that took on great exposures to the subprime mortgage market.

Should We Blame Auditors For Meltdowns?

Banks, financial institutions, mortgage firms are all collapsing. Even the most pessimistic predictor would not have predicted the size and magnitude of meltdown which the world has begin to address now. To put it simply the scale and magnitude of economic meltdown has been beyond the wildest imaginations.

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