Home Vídeos News Fábio Piperno: Tebet não tem a menor chance, a menos que consiga algo inédito na história eleitoral

Fábio Piperno: Tebet não tem a menor chance, a menos que consiga algo inédito na história eleitoral

by Infonew
Fábio Piperno: Tebet não tem a menor chance, a menos que consiga algo inédito na história eleitoral

Fábio Piperno observa como o índice de aprovação de Bolsonaro aparenta ser maior nas pesquisas do que é de fato, e analisa como o fato de nenhum candidato ter tido menos do que 7% das intenções de voto em maio durante toda a história eleitoral reforça as baixas chances de eleições de Simone Tebet.

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Create Your Own Economy – Buy A Business

No one we know of has the crystal ball to tell us precisely when the economy is going to bounce back for business owners and consumers. Times like these lead many people to take matters into their own hands, and the good news is that there are business opportunities out there and a consumer base to go with it.

Experts Declare the Recession Is Over! What You Believe Matters

I become aware more and more every day of the profound financial and emotional impact the downturn continues to have on my friends, neighbors and business associates. One wailed yesterday “I’m working harder than ever and no one is sending me any business!” Another reported that commercial bank lending is at a standstill and his income has plummeted as a result. Business activity is sluggish at best as people continue to hoard their capital, bringing economic activity to a virtual standstill.

Ten Job Growth Ideas For America

The United States is presently at a cross road of economic development that can only be decided by politicians, union leaders as well as business leaders who are willing to invest and put Americans back to work. Practical working solutions are needed which will ultimately help Americans go back to work. Americans are hard working people and with the right solutions this nation will once again be number one in the world of innovations, product development and manufacturing.

Various Causes Of The Economic Collapse In The US

This article discusses reasons why people might have gone bankrupt in the past few years. The article discusses the economic collapse and why so many Americans are struggling.

Financial Downturn – Why It’s Happening and How It Affects Your Money

Economy In Recession As the nation continues to be shaken by the financial downturn, many people would simply like to know when did the recession start and what are the prospects of getting out of it. Both are fair questions. To get to the bottom of this, you have to understand a bit of the history behind recessions.

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