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Afraid of Losing Your Job to China; You Are Not Alone
Many people in the Auto Industry, Textiles and Manufacturing are worried about losing their jobs, if they have not already to China. Obviously if a manufacturer here has to pay $18 per hour plus benefits for a factory worker then they cannot compete with $1.50 per day in China, there is just no way. Are you afraid of Losing your Job to China; you are not alone and folks in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois are really worried.
A Look At South African Poverty!South Africa can boast of a mixture of several races and cultures due to its historical background. Several different population groups with different languages, cultural backgrounds and origins all reside in South Africa. If one were to measure human development by established standards such as life expectancy, infant mortality and adult illiteracy, South Africa would compare unfavorably with many other middle-income countries of the world.