Home Vídeos News Felipe Pena: Bolsonaro culpou as vítimas e “arregou” para os assassinos

Felipe Pena: Bolsonaro culpou as vítimas e “arregou” para os assassinos

by Infonew
Felipe Pena: Bolsonaro culpou as vítimas e "arregou" para os assassinos

Felipe Pena criticou as declarações de Jair Bolsonaro sobre o caso de Dom Phillips e Bruno Pereira. O comentarista afirmou que o presidente “confessou” que o Brasil perdeu soberania na região do Vale do Javari, no Amazonas, o que chamou de “tragédia nacional”.

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Warren Buffet Railway Investment is a “Bet on Us” Decline

Warren Buffet’s recent purchase of Burlington Northern Santa Fe is a bet on railway traffic of more manufactured goods entering the USA from Asia, and more raw material being shipped from out of the US and Canada to China and India. This is hardly a sign of good economic times for the Americas.

Nation Asked to Work Longer to Bail Out the Bankers

A recent report suggests that increasing UK consumer debt levels are a result of the global financial crisis, not part of it’s cause. The report suggests that society should work longer in order to continue to fund the governments bank bailouts through increased taxes and a reduction of the pension burden. In reality the financial crisis is a result of increased debt levels through greed of both the lenders and consumers. As long as the bankers learn the lessons of the credit crunch and fail to return their previous loose lending, debt levels will begin to naturally tail off and don’t require such drastic actions by the government that will only seek to further line the pockets of the bankers.

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