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Fernando Conrado: Gostem ou não, Bolsonaro arrasta multidões por onde vai

by Infonew
Fernando Conrado: Gostem ou não, Bolsonaro arrasta multidões por onde vai

Fernando Conrado comenta sobre como, apesar da estranheza, a motociata pró-Bolsonaro em pleno dia útil é consequência do sucesso do presidente com o povo, em contraponto à circulação restrita de Lula, e questiona como o cenário das ruas coloca em dúvida a vantagem do petista nas pesquisas.

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Change Step by Step and the Mood Can Be Altered

There are 300 million people in this country who are what the marketplace is. And there are far more outside this country. They buy goods and they sell goods, they provide serves and they use the services of others. The power lies in the ability to bring energy and joy and freedom and optimism. Don’t you know things will be robust again? Be planning for it.

The Creation of Value and the Value of Money

We have suffered a huge destruction of value in the last eighteen months; or have we? It seems more and more as if the years of our recent bubble inflation should teach us some lesson, as painful as the deflation has become for most of us. Doesn’t pain always teach us something? Otherwise the purpose is somewhat missing in the process of experiencing all of that anguish and sense of loss.

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