Home Vídeos News Fernando Conrado: Lula vem sendo alvo de grandes vaias por todos os lugares que passa

Fernando Conrado: Lula vem sendo alvo de grandes vaias por todos os lugares que passa

by Infonew
Fernando Conrado: Lula vem sendo alvo de grandes vaias por todos os lugares que passa

Fernando Conrado analisa a coerência da fala de Ciro Gomes sobre o Congresso Nacional, criticando os gastos exacerbantes dos magistrados em relação ao PIB do país, e comenta como as vaias que Lula recebeu no Nordeste apenas consagram a falta de apelo popular do petista.

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Paulson Shoots Another Arrow Into the Heart of the Economy

The announcement in the last few days of a deal reached between the U.S. Treasury and the moribund insurance giant, A.I.G. provides a very lucid insight in to the nefarious and destructive world of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, otherwise known as T.A.R.P. Not only have A.I.G. received $152 billion to date and subsequently reported a third quarter loss of $25 billion, now they are to be cleared of their obligation on $53 billion worth of toxic credit default swaps. U.S. taxpayers are now on the hook for $205 billion courtesy of an institution which played in the Wall St. casino that passes for a “Financial Sector” and lost.

Financing the US National Debt

Election Fever is over and President Elect Barack Obama has until January to formulate a realistic game plan to address the unprecedented financial morass that he will shortly be inheriting. He will , no doubt, have to have the moral character to honestly inform his electorate of the true gravity of the situation they now face. Gone is the time for platitudes, electioneering and vacuous speeches. The time of “Change we can believe in” is over; now it’s time for “Change we have to Go Through.”

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