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Fernando Conrado: Temos que atentar à importância da lisura e transparência do processo eleitoral

by Infonew
Fernando Conrado: Temos que atentar à importância da lisura e transparência do processo eleitoral

Fernando Conrado relembra o pedido feito pelo próprio TSE de investigações sobre possíveis acessos hackers ao sistema eleitoral para pontuar como a não finalização do inquérito dá espaço para dúvidas por parte do povo, e destaca a importância da debates que agreguem à transparência do processo eleitoral.

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Menace of Deflation

In past few months, the major challenge before governors of central banks of all countries was to fight economic danger of inflation, led by rising food and oil prices. However in past 2 months the whole picture has seemed to be reversed, with deflation turning out to be credible and is much more threatening than most people realize.

Recessions Come and Go, But Tough People Go the Distance

In life those with the most character have often had a bit of adversity in their past. Consider this a character building exercise and let’s all agree to work through this dilemma. Recessions are temporary and although that does not make you feel any better right now, historically it’s the truth.

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