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Filha do pensador russo Dugin morre em explosão de carro

by Infonew
Filha do pensador russo Dugin morre em explosão de carro


O Comitê de Investigação da Rússia, órgão de investigação federal ligado diretamente à presidência, afirmou em um comunicado que tudo indica que a morte da jornalista e cientista política Darya Dugina “foi um crime planejado com antecedência e contratado por terceiros”. Assista o Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/seVAykW_cwE

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Importance of a Complementary Educational Agenda for DR-CAFTA

Drawing primarily upon documents produced by UN agencies, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, this brief addresses the following question: Is there a need for concern about CAFTA’s potential impact on efforts to improve education systems in Central America; especially efforts related to meeting Millennium Development Goal Two and the related Education for All objectives?

Sunday Coffee Shop Think Tank Meeting Discussions

Why would a Think Tank meet at a coffee shop on Sundays, what might problems might they solve while everyone is in slow mode? Well, interestingly enough we did have such a Think Tank meeting and it was amazing the number of interesting subjects in our dialogues. One gentleman who had a little squabble last week with the tax payer said; “I Want to Sell My Home to the Tax Assessor for What They Said it is Worth”

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