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Fiuza: Anormalidade é Pacheco engavetar pedido para ouvir ministros do STF

by Infonew
Fiuza: Anormalidade é Pacheco engavetar pedido para ouvir ministros do STF

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R.I.P. Neighborhood Blockbuster

On Saturday I made my weekly pilgrimage to my local Blockbuster to pick up a previously non-viewed flick. However, to my dismay, I discovered that they will be closing at the end of February. Not only does the best employee Blockbuster has ever seen work at this particular location (more on that later), but it happens to be within a very convenient proximity to my house.

Gas Prices Soar As Middle East Boils Over

Last week, amidst growing tensions in Egypt, the price of oil surpassed $100 per barrel, the highest rate in almost two years. The continued unrest in the Middle East – first Tunisia, then Egypt, now Algeria – is serving to unnerve investors, and thus forcing the price of crude oil upwards.

Government and Big Business – The Cruel Taxes Conspiracy

The word “Taxes” can invoke feelings of fear and apprehension, such as not having a clue how to prepare an amended tax form, because the IRS said they refigured your 6 year old return and now you owe $10,000 instead of your expected refund of $400, which by the way, you owe back. On the other hand, “Taxes” can invoke a Patriotic feeling, for after all, it was taxes which so enraged the colonists, which eventually resulted in the Revolutionary War and the very creation of our country. We pay taxes this very day to support our troops…

US Spending Up by 3.5% for 2010 – Best in Three Years

Consumers were spending money in 2010! Official figures show the economy grew as U.S. citizens spent more money than they had during the previous three years. Up by 3.5%, this demonstrates the most encouraging financial news since 2007 and that wa before the recession that began in 2008. Shopping, home buying, and increased availability of jobs in the market gave Americans the encouragement they were waiting for to spend their hard earned money. December’s spending, which means Christmas shopping, was strong at 0.7%, demonstrating the sixth month in a row of excellent growth for the worlds largest economy.

Zimbabwean Businesses Have Jumped on the Internet to Facilitate Their Commerce

A wise old business person once said that in business Don’t sell gloves to people with no hands but rather you sell heaters to people in freezing climates. Simply put, sell what people need and you will be successful. You are probably saying “duh” right now but it’s not all that simple. A few businesses out there miss the point completely and I am just glad some Zimbabwean businesses have got it right in the situation described in this piece.

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