Home Vídeos News Fiuza: Barroso, Moraes e Fachin fazem política de forma grosseira

Fiuza: Barroso, Moraes e Fachin fazem política de forma grosseira

by Infonew
Fiuza: Barroso, Moraes e Fachin fazem política de forma grosseira

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No Big Tax Hike For Americans, For Now

So it’s done. Today President Obama was set to sign “the deal” by which he and his liberal co-conspirators in the federal legislature agreed to keep tax rates steady for two more years – in exchange for whopping unpaid-for spending on extended unemployment benefits.

The Effect From the Recession on Large Corporations and Small Business

The impact of the recession has been huge on almost all types of businesses. Whether it is a small business or a large corporation, this economy has not spared any entity. In fact, several top level organizations that never had any problem in the past are facing harsh situations. Many business owners are searching for new alternatives so that they can find a business that is not affected by recession.

Current Affairs: What Happened To The Middle Class?

How about it Baby Boomers? What happened to your generation that there is now a HUGE financial gap between those that moved up in finances and those that have become pay check to pay check strapped? What about the next generation coming up through the ranks with both parents working and still in debt or struggling to find work? Everyone can’t be on Welfare!

3 Reasons I’m Convinced the Recession Is Over

I know some people love Chicken Little and see every sign as one that points to the end but I just prefer to look at my glass as half full with the potential for filling more and more until is spills over. I’ve got a lot of work to do to fulfill my predictions not to mention pleasing all the people depending on me so I have to stay motivated. Being optimistic make this a lot easier. Never the less, I can’t even begin to consider a scenario where things don’t always have the potential to get better, but for all of you who still don’t believe that there are good times just ahead, I do have some evidence for you to consider.

Africa Is the Final Investment Frontier

There’s only one place left on earth where investors can get truly phenomenal returns – and that’s Africa. But investing in Africa isn’t like investing anywhere else.

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