Fiuza: No Datafolha, em outubro, Lula já vai chegar reeleito

Fiuza: No Datafolha, em outubro, Lula já vai chegar reeleito


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The Impact of Not Extending the US Tax Cuts

The potential fallout of not extending the U.S. tax cut legislation, implemented by President George Bush’s administration, is staggering. The U.S. economy is in a state of crisis. Many economic experts believe this could be the staggering blow that pushes the unemployment rate even higher as small business owners are forced to begin laying off even more employees in order to maintain the slimmest of profit margins….

Envy Thou Not The Oppressor And Choose None Of His Ways

I read a comment on an African American woman’s blog stating that she and her husband made a commitment to buy from African American businesses. This sister had verbalized the way I felt about supporting African American businesses. We are the only Americans that do not support our own businesses and it ought to stop! When I have done business with a brother and he didn’t do the job according to my expectations, I have said to others “man, don’t do business with a brother” but this is not right.

When Did The Recession Start – How Do We Weather The Storm?

According to some estimates, the percentage of those who’ve been left unscathed by the economic crisis is below 2%, a disturbing number to say the least. This has made many people ask the question, “When did the recession start?” Of course there have been few simple, straightforward answers. Certainly, it is problematic even to provide a sufficient answer in the limited context of this article.

GDP Recession – A Crucial Aspect Of The Current Economic Recession

One of the more frustrating facts prevalent today is the mainstream media’s insistence that the country is, indeed, experience economy recover. Some have even stated that it has been ongoing for a year now. Yet, those of us on the ground beg to differ. Such pronouncements are nothing more than manipulation tactics employed by the media and the government. Thus, I decided to do some research. Keep reading and I will share some facts about the GDP recession and why it is providing illegitimate recovery data.

Relapse Summer 2010

As tens of thousands of mortgagors, many of whom wouldn’t qualify for mortgages in the real world, line up to be bailed out by the feds, as the nation’s recession birth rate falls to 2.7%, the lowest in a century, as Joint Chief of Staffs Chairman Mike Mullen warns that the national debt is endangering national security, President Obama fiddles away, chows down on shrimp and lobster, golfs, parties with the other rich and famous on Martha’s Vineyard, and generally enjoys the hell out of his sixth vacation this year. Is anyone minding the ranch? It certainly isn’t our vice president who revels in his own non-existent, Nirvana.

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