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Fiuza: O Supremo é detestado no Brasil

by Infonew
Fiuza: O Supremo é detestado no Brasil

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Why Did the Market Rise on Bad News?

Ever lay awake at night worrying about something that may happen in the next day or two? Even though there is absolutely nothing that you can do at two in the morning – no one you can call, nothing you can buy, no where you can go to solve the problem, and you know this – you still are tossing and turning while worried about the situation. Why do we worry in these situations where this is nothing that can remedy them?

Three Expanding Small Businesses in Greece, Portugal and Spain

The economies of Greece, Portugal and Spain are badly hit by the recession, yet despite the bad news about all these three economies- some businesses are doing well. Each business is not a corporation or a business linked with the government- but a private enterprise that has expanded continually since 2008. What factors make these three small businesses beat the recession?

Free Market Capitalism is the Worst Economic System

Sir Winston Churchill famously quipped: “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” With apologies to Mr. Churchill, I would suggest a modernization of that quote based on today’s political/economic environment in the United States.

Will Trillion Dollar Deficits Lead Us Into Anarchy?

What does the burgeoning world debt mean to our future? What about the yearly multi-trillion dollar U.S. deficits? What signals are hinting that economies around the globe may be growing unstable? Are we being led to the trough of complacency by a systematic program of propaganda?

Results of the Economic Recession – Explore the Benefits

Economic recessions bring on hardships. They also bring on opportunities such as those listed in the article.

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