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What Do You Mean by Economics?
Economics is a term that is very readily used almost every day in the Business World, but what does it actually mean? Delve further into the world of Economics, and see what you think about this bespoke view on Economics and its meaning.
Did You Hear That THUD?That was the Federal Reserve absolute nothing of a statement. Actually if we pay close attention the news is worse than we thought. The Fed extended the zero interest rate policy to 2014 from 2013, lowered its growth forecast, and increased its unemployment rate expectations.
Using NASA’s Ocean Current Visualization for Global Economic Flow ModelingThe other day, I was reading through all of the global financial news, as it is a hobby to study the financial flows of the world, and I noticed something rather interesting. The United States economic data, the Chinese economic data, and the economic data from the European Union all had something in common; they all published reports claiming to have decreased their trade deficits. Okay so let’s talk about this for second shall we?
How Can One Man Be Right So Many Times? Ask the Ghost of Milton Friedman, His Predictions Live OnAs a self-proclaimed economist, I have my theories and know where I hang my hat. Over all, I’d say I am a Friedman Economist and agree that truly free-markets, free of crony capitalism are the best way to play it. This is why, I often side with Ayn Rand, Adam Smith, and Militon Friedman, and why I often recommend such books as; The Wealth of Nations, Fountain Head, Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, and Free to Choose. Okay so, let’s talk about the fiasco going on in the Euro Zone presently.
The Conscience Of A Restorationist, XVIIf you want to improve the life of the average Italian, Brit, Egyptian, or Chinese, the answer is to restore America. When America is strong and prosperous, the rest of the world is stronger and better-off. When America leads with a robust free market, the rest of the world has some refuge, even from the collectivist power-grabs of some of their own governments. When America is, as Ronald Reagan described it, a “shining city on a hill,” the rest of the world has a beacon of hope, an example of how prosperity can be attained, and a strong helper when times are tough…