Home Vídeos News Floresta em Festa – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS

Floresta em Festa – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS

by Infonew
Floresta em Festa - BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS - JP KIDS

Floresta em Festa – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS
Seja bem-vindo (a) ao canal da Bubu e as Corujinhas – Desenho Infantil Educativo! 💜
Com vídeos semanais, sempre em um novo desenho infantil educativo, contamos as aventuras de Bubu e seus irmãos, Biel (a corujinha de óculos) e Bonie (a caçulinha da família), na floresta de Los Arboles, em um lindo episódio de desenho animado infantil.

As Corujinhas adoram explorar e aprender com os mais variados animais que encontram em suas aventuras, mas sempre com Papai e Mamãe Coruja de olho, prontos para ensinar a seus filhotes sobre as características da floresta e de seus moradores.

A Look Into the Economic Policy Commonly Called Reaganomics

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan and his cabinet unleashed his style of economics that was coined Reaganomics. This style implemented a belief in reducing taxes, reducing government spending, reducing inflation, and reduce the amount of government intervention in the economy.

Finding Work When Youve Exhausted All Possible Resources

Finding a job shouldn’t be so hard! But unfortunately it is this day and age due to our economic standing. So what can you do to make money, support your family, not go into debt? You’ve looked everywhere, haven’t you? What’s left that doesnt require a sophisticated degree at some fancy school you know you can’t afford, and don’t have the time for anyways. There are some stones, I bet you haven’t uncovered yet, thought about yet, or are scared to try…check this out!

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