Home Vídeos News “Fui piranha” Deborah Secco recebe apoio após abrir intimidade

“Fui piranha” Deborah Secco recebe apoio após abrir intimidade

by Infonew
"Fui piranha" Deborah Secco recebe apoio após abrir intimidade

Deborah Secco, aos 42, é casada há 7 anos. Antes do matrimônio com Hugo Moura a famosa curtiu a vida. Em entrevista ao colunista Leo Dias, a atriz confessou que teve sua fase “piranha” e que chegou a perder amigas por isso.

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In 2011, the wealth of the official top earners of many European countries,and the United States has increased, whilst the majority of people have seen their actual assets decrease in value. This may be the result of the ‘trickle-up’ economic effect, that some economists cite as a reality in much of the developed World.

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Alternative Income Options for Farm-Household Members Improve the Rural Economy of Bangladesh

Population growth and prices of essentials together have far exceeded agricultural production in Bangladesh. People in huge number have migrated from villages to towns for alternative income options. With members employed in non-farm activities, the farm households now can better manage agriculture production and contribute to rural economy.

The False Dichotomy

One of the logical fallacies that is becoming increasingly prevalent in the contemporary world is that of the false dichotomy. This is also referred to as the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black and white thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are additional options. Unfortunately, the false dichotomy has become a dangerous tool for pushing public policies that are not necessarily in the public interests by presenting them as the only alternative to prevent a catastrophic scenario.

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