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Fux garante que STF defende a Constituição e volta elogiar sistema eleitoral

by Infonew
Fux garante que STF defende a Constituição e volta elogiar sistema eleitoral

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Icelanders Return to Basic Values Amidst the Economic Meltdown

When this is written, Iceland’s capital Reykjavik is crawling with foreign media. Many, it seems, are looking for drama: the destitute banker sitting on a curb in his pinstriped suit, the family with ten children that has lost everything in the bank collapse and doesn’t know how they’re going to survive, stooped people waiting in line outside supermarkets that are empty of food. Instead they’re finding that life in this island country, which has been hit harder than most by the global economic crisis, is pretty much as it always was.

Peoples Bailout Plan

Did you know that our U.S. Congress decided to pass a 700 billion dollar bail out plan? 700 billion dollars! what would you do with that kind of money? Invest it, buy a dream home or vehicle, go on a permanent vacation?

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