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2012: An Economic Outlook
No economist claims to being right all the time, but if you can be on the money over half of the time then you are doing remarkably well. Bearing in mind that predicting global economic movement is like predicting the weather using your intuition, here are some predictions for 2012, organised into four broad categories.
The Unholy Trinity for Pensioners and Their Money – It’s Time to Find Another WayHigh inflation, low interest rates and now the so-called granny tax have all conspired over the last few years to make retirement a financial misery for many pensioners. But their plight has been highlighted at last in a report issued this week by the Treasury Select Committee.
Could There Be A Chance For A One World Currency?Would the world be a better place if it were able to share the same currency? Would it benefit the masses? Honestly, that answer has to be no. The chances of the entire world using the same currency will never have a chance to exist, let’s understand why.
What Does Greece and the US Have In Common – Unfortunately Far Too MuchAs we watch yet another Greek tragedy, this one of an economic motif – we are reminded of the history of other nations that have fallen due to socialism and to run away entitlements. Of course, if you check your history in the last 200 years Greece has gone bankrupt nearly 8 times, so they don’t really have a very good track record, and I myself might put it in the same category as Argentina – and well, here we go again. However, before we condemn them for their future fate as they leave the euro and the European Union,…
Investment in Commercial Diving Will Save the Economy, Not NASAIt seems that every day in the news someone famous is diving into the depths of the oceans with new and innovative technology in order to explore that which human eyes have never seen firsthand. From new submersibles and new techniques, these advancements are helping to create a new era for exploration and perhaps an entirely new segment for the economy. So this begs the question: “Should government funding that has traditionally been slated for space exploration, be redirected for ocean exploration with the intent of creating groundbreaking technology and a new economy that would benefit far more…