O apresentador Gilberto Barros foi condenado por crime de homofobia pelo Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP) à pena de dois anos de prisão e uma multa. Em setembro de 2020, em seu programa “Amigos do Leão” no YouTube, Gilberto Barros disse que “vomita” ao ver dois homens se beijando e que agrediria gays que manifestassem afeto em sua frente. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/8qYZyLxiQPk
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The Sluggish Fed – Why Its Bad for the Economy
In recent months, fallout from the sub-prime mortgage scandal has been estimated in the hundreds of billions, up from figures of $100 billion maximum from the Federal Reserve only three months ago. While the Fed has, in an unprecedented move, cut interest rates three consecutive times in as many months, their cuts have always given investors the impression that a later cut was inevitable, cycling in a self-fulfilling prophesy that has played out poorly for the American economy as investment and stocks have been relatively cool. This behavior reflects a prevalent attitude that the situation will get worse before it gets better, and that uncertainty is the single biggest enemy of economic growth.
Lost Jobs – Here, There and EverywhereIf nothing else you have to admire the perseverance of this administration. No matter how bleak the news, the White House continues to put on a happy face and the December 2007 employment report is no exception.