Gleisi perde o controle após Lula fracassar em teste com o povo

Gleisi perde o controle após Lula fracassar em teste com o povo


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If In Doubt – Just Gexit!

The newly elected leadership in Greece says it doesn’t plan on exiting the euro, and that should keep investors and bondholders at least feeling a little bit better for the time being. Still, such a statement is made without regards to the restless masses who continue their protests, riots, and civil unrest. Worse, all this commotion has caused tourism to drop like a rock.

United States – Paving Its Way Towards Hyperinflation

The United States could very well be on the path towards a deflationary collapse, far worse than America experienced during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. However arguably, the likely outcome is going to be even worse. The US is currently on the rails and headed right for hyperinflation and the destruction of the dollar. Overwhelming evidence has been abundant, America has known for a long time this problem exists. Yet the US Government and Federal Reserve have yet to come up with any viable solution to fix it.

Greece’s Syriza Threatens to Stop Paying Their Bills

It appears that the head of Greece’s radical left party believes that there is little chance that Europe will cut off funding to the country, and if it does, Greece will repudiate its debts. Seriously…

Must Read: The Reality of Economic Growth and Recessions

The most commonly used measure of an economy’s progress by government agencies is the GDP, or gross domestic product. It is a dollar value measure of all of the goods and services that are in an economy during a time period, generally quarters or a year. It’s simple formula is GDP = C + I + G + NX, or GDP equals the sum of consumption, investment, government expenditures and the net of exports.

When Global Socialism Hit the Brick Wall of Reality, This Time It’s Different – Really?

Long about the beginning of June it became evident that the ECB would either mushroom into a giant and controlling power, or the EU would fall into the economic abyss once more. It’s not like it hasn’t happened previously in history, it’s just that this time it would be different.

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