Guga Noblat tem treta com Morgado e Marco Antônio Costa ao fazer sua análise pessoal sobre o intuito da operação comandada por Moraes de investigar se a conversa dos empresários apoiadores de Bolsonaro não seria apenas leviana e poderia estar ligada a movimentos premeditados referentes ao ato de 7 de setembro.
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Is Money a Myth – Technocracy Price System Debate and Talking Points
Debating the merits of the current price system can be a challenge for any economist as we watch the manipulated nature of the game – whether it be the gambling casino we call the stock market, currency trading, market maker plays, commodity trading power plays or the Fed trying to shore up the resultant of international flows, government borrowing or greedy manipulations.
Subprime America Infects Asia And EuropeThe Subrpime mortgage problem in America is going to spread to Europe and Asia where most the the defaulting mortgages ended up. Subprime debt was bundled with AAA rated debt then sold to investors around the world. The defaults are going to come back to haunt America.