Bem vindos ao canal oficial do Programa Pânico na Band. Aqui você encontra tudo sobre o programa, em HD, e relembra as maiores trollagens, além das Panicats, quadros incríveis e matérias marcantes.
Tá esperando o quê? Se inscreve aí e ativa as notificações para não perder nada. Todo dia tem vídeo novo!
Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts):
Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) :
Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
A Simplified Look at Marketplace Economics
A basic look at the underlying economic principles of our marketplace and what driving forces affect them. It describes the main entities which make up the marketplace and how it works.
Raise Your Recession IQ – What You Need to Know About the CrisisUnless you have been living in a rock for the past year, for sure you have heard about the current economic recession that is being experienced by some of the major countries in the world. Most likely, the majority of what you know about the recession came from the media. The problem with the media is that they have the tendency of painting a bleaker picture of reality than what it actually is.