O STJ suspendeu a decisão que autorizava a realização da “Festa da Banana”, na cidade de Teolândia, no baixo-sul da Bahia, e contaria com o cantor Gusttavo Lima entre as atrações principais. A ordem foi publicada neste domingo (5), assinada pelo presidente do órgão, o ministro Humberto Martins.
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Sponsors, How to Improve Trade Name Image Worldwide With Education
This article will show how any public company can improve maybe a tarnished trade name image and gain massive market share by becoming a sponsor. The right sponsorship can gain millions of new customers if what you are promoting is needed by your customers desperately.
The Impact of EU Plans to Regulate Hedge Funds and Private Equity FirmsThe EU reviewed the role of hedge funds and private equity in the financial crisis and drew some lessons regarding the need for EU level regulation of these fund types. The financial crisis had revealed that hedge funds could impact financial stability in ways that had not previously been expected.