
Leandro Narloch explica a proposta do PL 191, que vai apenas regularizar a mineração nas terras indígenas com o conceito dos povos, e Henrique Terena faz críticas às ONGs e atores externos que reforçam o estereótipo dos índios e manipulam a opinião dos próprios.

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So Much Is Yet to Be Cleared on the Economic Front

If you are to believe the Fed, you surely see that things are improving in the economy. If you are like the rest of us, who do not see such a bright picture, you know that there is much left to be done to fix the mess that we are in. The real story is that there are still around 12 million of us who are unemployed. This includes 4 million, who have been unemployed for over six months.

The Parenthood Career

Parenthood is the most important career a person can have from that person’s and our society’s points of view. To ensure that children have competent parents, parenthood must be recognized as a developmental stage that follows adolescence and as an essential complement to childhood. Struggling parents also need access to effective collaborative systems of care.

The Denigration of Parenthood in the United States

In the United States, work is defined in our capitalistic economy as a paid activity. Unpaid activities like childrearing are not regarded as work. This obscures the fact that childrearing has immense financial value. In the long run, parenthood is more important to our society than paid vocations. Although not recognized as such, parenthood is the career that benefits everyone and is the foundation of our society.

Is the American Dream a Thing of the Past?

It used to be that America represented a place where everyone in the world come seeking wealth and fame. Where else do you have a place that makes people famous just for being themselves, where celebrities are worshiped and given incredible amounts of money, where excess is considered the accepted, and people who don’t usually finish their plate of food. It is a place that everyone knows even the poorest individuals can, through luck and perseverance, rise and attain wealth that he would never even dream of.

Why Are So Many Going Straight From College and Into the Unemployment Line?

As more and more young people are graduating from college and looking towards their futures, a lot of them are finding that there are very few career opportunities to be found. Many would say these people are still young and can tough it out at a fast food restaurant or can bag groceries at their local market. What they do not realize is that even these low-income jobs are already filled, leaving no place for those who just got their degree.

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