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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan

American IRS Brand: Can It Win Back The Trust?

All of a sudden the Internal Revenue Service commonly known as the IRS has hit the headlines and is in news for the past few weeks for all wrong reasons. It is a known fact that nobody likes a taxman, and as a brand, IRS was never considered as a darling by most of the Americans but, still it was not highlighted for its inconsistent policies.

Living Wages – And the Middle Class

Instead of focusing on the minimum wage, we should focus on living wages and the Middle Class. Maybe even have larger firms reimburse the treasury for Medicaid, Food Stamps, etc. that we must provide their underpaid employees, while they garner record profits.

Africa’s Income Inequalities and the Reality of A Few Big Men

There is no shortage of economic growth on the African continent. In fact statistics reveal that six of the world’s ten fastest growing economies of the last decade are in Africa. Emerging from the Global Financial Crisis relatively unscathed, African economies especially those in sub-Saharan Africa have continued to make positive strides towards growth and development. Yet paradoxically, more people live in absolute poverty here in Africa than anywhere else in the world. This shows the extent to which income inequalities have become more pronounced over the years. This commentary article looks at the rising income gap between the continents rich and poor. Evidence shows the emergence of an elite politically connected wealthy few, and a significant portion of the population still living in squalor. The article shows that this is not sustainable and that true economic growth must be inclusive of everyone, and not just be a preserve of a select few. If Africa is to grow sustainably therefore, the gap between the rich and the poor has to be lessened and this article shows why that must be.

The Purpose of Government: More Evidence Against Postmodernism

Here is a quote from Milton Friedman in a speech (1997?) regarding Hong Kong: “Once a tiny, poor colonial backwater of only 600,000 people and few assets, Hong Kong’s average per capita income was about one-quarter of the average income in Great Britain and 60 percent of Israel’s. The historical accident that assigned a disciple of Adam Smith to be governor of Hong Kong set the tiny colony on a different path.

Socialism Is Great, The US National Socialist Committee Stated

As a free market capitalist, namely from an entrepreneurial standpoint, I know the value and synergies gained by this great socio-economic strategy, and I believe it far surpasses anything else, including socialism. But that’s not what the socialists say, and not only do they beg to differ, but they’ll shout you down if you state otherwise. Yes, let’s discuss this very controversial topic shall we?

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