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Homem trans dá à luz a bebê com mulher trans

by Infonew
Homem trans dá à luz a bebê com mulher trans

Roberto Bete, de 32 anos, ao lado da mulher Erika Fernandes, de 29 anos, tiveram o primeiro filho no último dia 10 de maio, em São Paulo. Roberto foi quem deu à luz Noah e ele comentou como foi o processo da gestação do menino. Assista com Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/JGhF1Uzn9qs

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Alert – Recession is Rising to Record High Levels

Everyday we hear in the news of redundancies of workers throughout the world. The recession that we are currently in is hitting people very hard financially. Unemployment rates in Western Countries are rising to record high levels. Not to mention the difficulty of those unemployed trying to find new work. For some people as they reach their fifties it is even harder for them to find work.

Think Outside the Wallet

As the economy tightens, whether you’re in a new Neighborhood Association, business or organization or one that has been effected by a lack of money due to the economy, the important thing to remember is that its all about getting people involved, whether its in their community or your organization, it’s about keeping the community, business or organization together that really counts. Although we tend to think that larger events that require more money are more fun and bring more people to the events, keep in mind that it is more about keeping the community involved even if it by holding a no or low cost events or events focused more on giving everyone a chance just to come together and foster communication within your community.

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