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Does Prosperity Always Encompass Wealth?
There’s a global economic storm coming that’s going to make the Great Depression of the 1930s look like good times. Despite proclamations of recovery by the mainstream media and other mouth-pieces who represent the world’s money-elite (the U.S. and other governments, the Federal Reserve, financial “advisors” and the biggest global banks), real experts say real hard times are just around the corner….
Reserve Bank Of India Uses Repo Rate to Curb InflationIndia has moved form a slow moving economy in the 1980s and early 1990s to a fast growing global powerhouse. However, growth bring along problems of inflation and price control that can eventually create a huge disparity between the rich and the poor. India also has a large middle class that is increasing its discretionary spending favoring higher inflation. The RBI with its tools such as repo rate, cash reserve policies and other monetary polices have a tough job ahead.
What Is The District of Columbia Two-Step?This nation has been doing huge deficit spending and thusly squandering the future of its young people for over forty years. It began during the Vietnam War era when President Lyndon B. Johnson said we could have both guns and butter, meaning we could afford military war spending while creating an enormous amount of social spending. Ronald Reagan declared we could cut taxes and increase military spending while at the same time cut the deficit. This proved to be folly, as Presidential candidate George H. Bush proclaimed Reagan’s proposal as “voodoo economics”. The debt grew to over $300 Billion per year for a dozen years. President George W. Bush cut taxes for all income levels and created new social programs that resulted in $500 Billion per year deficits. President George W. Bush also invoked a war with Iraq that cost mega billions, and for the first time America fought a major war without a tax increase or a reduction in spending to pay for the war.
How Much Is Enough!With inflation knocking on the door, and unemployment statistics rising, people are finding it increasingly difficult to ‘keep up with the Jones’s’! And yet the urge to buy impulsively and compete with the latest consumer trends, despite not having the bank balance to match it, is ever increasing. Whether it is the acquisition of mobile phones, cars, outfits, perfumes or the latest fashion fads, there is a strong yearning in the soul to ‘fit in’.
Why You Should Be Fed-Up With The Fed?The American Congress and President Woodrow Wilson passed The Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913. The Federal Reserve established 12 central banks across the country. The main purpose of the Federal Reserve Act was to create a central banking system to assist in the recover of the American financial system during a crisis. The Federal Reserve made a critical mistake during The Great Depression when it called in a large portion of the currency. The lack of available funds resulted in business shutdowns. The business shutdowns created a large amount of unemployment from coast to coast.