Idris Elba, 49, desistiu de interpretar o primeiro James Bond negro na história da franquia “007”. Após anos de negociações, o ator decidiu tocar um projeto pessoal deixando os produtores decepcionados com a decisão do astro de “Círculo do Fogo”, “Histórias Cruzadas” e “A Torre Negra”, entre outras produções. Assista ao Morning Show completo:
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Impact Of US Presidential Elections On Capital Markets
Whenever there are US presidential elections, there are bound to be consequences in the capital markets. These may not be real or permanent. But for a while we see changing sentiments. This also throws many opportunities to savvy investors in the short run. 2008 is going to be another interesting year for all the Americans and the world because of the US presidential elections. These will have impact on many things. Affect on stock markets can be one of them.
A Quick Lesson In Economics – Shame On You Rich PeopleThere are many people who know more about how to read the charts and graphs associated with economics, spout hours worth of information about economic indicators, and point out the issues associated with why the stock market is tanking or reaching new heights. No matter what school of economics a person subscribes to, the concepts all boil down to how money is working at any given point in time.