Eri Johnson relembra a atuação do advogado de Guilherme de Pádua na época do assassinato de Daniella Perez, e Ilana Casoy aponta a importância de “Pacto Brutal” para resgatar as respectivas humanizações da vítima e de Glória Perez que foram descartadas durante a repercussão do caso.
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The United States – One Big Super Wal-mart
Over the holidays I spent an entire day in the lodge of a small, unknown ski area in Blowing Rock area of North Carolina while my grandson participated in his first ski daycare experience. Unable to leave the area I had many hours to “people watch”, one of my favorite pass times. What I observed was a real eye opener!
Mortgage Bailout – What Does It Mean for Homeowners? Too Little Too Late or Just Plain Wrong?Some say not only can we not afford a mortgage bailout, but that it could make matters worse. Is it possible home purchasers could be worse off if the government intervenes?