Marcos Uchôa explica porque é contra a implementação do voto impresso no Brasil pelo fato da falsificação ser mais fácil de acontecer por meio do papel, e questiona o fato da pauta ganhar força coincidentemente num momento politicamente delicado para Bolsonaro.
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Recession – What Should Be Done?
One thing you can be sure about is that you will NEVER fully understand a situation if you rely on the press for your information. The role of the press, one of its roles at any rate (another, by way of example, is to drive business down on the mental health industry by freaking everybody out), is to confuse and demoralize the citizenry by spreading alarm and dismay.
Economic Meltdowns – What Can We Learn From Depressions of the Past?George Bernard Shaw famously said that all we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. The French put it this way: ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same.’ The current financial situation that is causing anxiety and suffering across the developed world is not a unique event.