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Intervenção do governo no mercado de carne da Argentina vira tiro no pé de Fernández

by Infonew
Intervenção do governo no mercado de carne da Argentina vira tiro no pé de Fernández

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The 2010 Budget – What Does it Mean?

After slashing almost $1 billion worth of incentive programs designed to help entrepreneurs during the 2008 budget in favor of increasing the Centrelink assistance given to carers and those on a disability pension, the Rudd Government followed the 2009 budget up by announcing some initiatives to assist small business in a minor way. The foremost of these is a boost to the small business tax breaks available for buying assets before the end of June 2009 up from 30% to 50%.

Car Sales and Economic Retail Sales – Know the Reality of Economic Indicator Figures

During the Bush Administration auto sales were added into retail figures, and I figure this was to boost sagging retail sales figures during the turn of the century when we really needed help with consumer confidence. The auto sales are still in the mix today, even though they are not doing us any favors when judging actual retail sales. One question might be; should auto sales really be thrown into the retail sales mix? Many believe so, as sales tax is charged in each auto sale, and if you keep those numbers out then sales tax does not jive with retail sales figures.

Are We Seeing Deflation?

Some experts believe that we will see deflation, followed by inflation. Current trends in housing and in the grocery store indicate tat we are currently in the midst of deflation.

2010-2011 Economic Predictions For the “Average Joe”

Average Joe Prediction #1: The economy will slump into another recession by the end of 2010. This is double trouble for the Average Joe. You combine a slowing economy with high unemployment, along with the end of tax cuts and you end up with a situation that will squeeze the middle class. To combat this problem, focus your effort on keeping a reserve of cash on hand, as well as current or future sources or ideas of generating extra income quickly.

If the Workers at DHL Had Accepted Union Representation

Any candidate for public office should, endeavour to respond to each and every one of the emails, comments and letters that they receive in a thorough as well as in a timely manner. Due to the nature and subject matter of some of requests one is not always able to do so.

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