Home Vídeos News Jean Wyllys, o autoexilado, ameaça voltar ao Brasil se Lula for eleito

Jean Wyllys, o autoexilado, ameaça voltar ao Brasil se Lula for eleito

by Infonew
Jean Wyllys, o autoexilado, ameaça voltar ao Brasil se Lula for eleito

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Worst Case Recession Scenario – What Can You Do to Be Prepared?

The state of the economy just keeps getting worse and worse. Everywhere you turn, someone is saying that dreaded word: “recession.” Even though you are tired of hearing about it, you know you need to be preparing for the worst. Sitting around grousing about your situation is not going to make things any better, that is for certain. But what can you do? Plenty! Below are five handy tips for recession-proofing your family’s finances, or at the very least, absorbing some of the impact that the recession is having on everyone’s budget.

Past Recession Trends – Can We Learn?

As the saying goes, those who do not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them. This has been the case with themes of war, politics, and industry, and it is certainly true now of the economic situation in which much of the world now finds itself. There is a great deal that can be learned from the events of the past, and financial analysts use data gathered over hundreds of years to predict economic trends. This most recent downward turn in the economic market is certainly not the first and definitely not the worst in the nation’s history.

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