Home Nacionais e Internacionais Jorge Serrão: Atos de 1º de maio mostraram que Lula perdeu o encanto de mobilização de massa

Jorge Serrão: Atos de 1º de maio mostraram que Lula perdeu o encanto de mobilização de massa

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Atos de 1º de maio mostraram que Lula perdeu o encanto de mobilização de massa

Jorge Serrão comenta sobre como a baixa quantidade de pessoas na manifestação de Lula reflete a perda da capacidade de mobilização de massa do petista, e demonstra os perigos das bandeiras que tem levantado para sua campanha eleitoral

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New York’s Taxi Time Warp

You can hail a cab in a New York minute – in midtown. But the city’s taxi system is stuck in the days of the Chrysler Airflow.

Banks Unbundling Their Discretions For Deep Economic Development

In today’s aggressive industrial development and government fostered economies, it has become imperative for banks to make their infrastructure omnipotent and omnipresent. They should supply and make available the most efficient resources for critical industrial and trade operations. On the other hand, banks are also sensing the need of banking and finance institutions and their powerful, yet innovative instruments that can help organizations to flourish and grow in its niche.

Why The Welfare System Does Not Help The Poverty Problem

An important key to eliminating poverty is to encourage strong ties between men and their families. But due to a tragically misplaced ‘compassion’, governmental anti-poverty programs demoralize men, encouraging a state of affairs in which fathers recognize with horror that their families are better off without them.

What Will Get Us Out Of This Economic Mess?

Prosperity is the goal of economics. But for society as a whole, economic prosperity must be a means to an end – and all too often we have perverted this ideal through envy and greed, making the accumulation of wealth an end in itself, making it the cold relentless motive for the decisions we make as a nation and as individuals.

What Caused the Economic Crash?

The great inducement to do this, and the cause of all that followed, was that there was virtually no risk to be found! Rather than learning to be careful, they were encouraged to throw caution to the wind and grant mortgages to all comers. It just kept wildly growing, and everyone was happy because all of a sudden every American could easily realize the dream of buying a home.

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