Home Vídeos News Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro reage à extrapolação do poder Judiciário à sua maneira truculenta

Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro reage à extrapolação do poder Judiciário à sua maneira truculenta

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro reage à extrapolação do poder Judiciário à sua maneira truculenta

Jorge Serrão analisa como a extrapolação de poder pelos membros do Judiciário com atos ilegítimos que, apesar de não serem ilegais, agravam o momento político do Brasil, e comenta sobre como a reação de Bolsonaro criticando o STF atenta à importância do aprimoramento do sistema eleitoral.

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It’s the Economy, Stupid

Maybe Bill Clinton was right in his first campaign for the presidency when he promoted a slogan that pushed economic issues to the top of his agenda. Since then, they have been eclipsed and, for years, the fallout from 911, the debate over the Iraq war, and the focus on the impact of the Bush presidency have dominated our attention. But now, economic issues are back with the intensity of a hurricane. They cannot be ignored. And speaking of hurricanes, Senator Chris Dodd has called the sub prime scandal “a 50-state Katrina.” In the epicenter of this storm are two words that have tended to be buried: credit and debt.

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The world economy is in crisis. Add to that the rising cost of fuel and you’ll have the toughest economic condition the world has seen perhaps since the great depression. We can only surmise the extent that this crisis brings forth.

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