Home Vídeos News Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro tem que defender liberdade eleitoral junto às plataformas digitais

Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro tem que defender liberdade eleitoral junto às plataformas digitais

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro tem que defender liberdade eleitoral junto às plataformas digitais

Jorge Serrão pontua como investir num jantar com Lula é sinônimo de indigestão antecipada, e comenta sobre a importância de Bolsonaro insistir na questão da liberdade de expressão a respeito das eleições, mesmo em meio às pressões da Justiça Eleitoral sobre as plataformas digitais.

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US National Debt – The Problem With Social Security

The last few years have seen millions of Americans suffer untold pain as their leveraged debt positions exploded in their faces. Suddenly, they owned homes worth less than they owed and so on. As bad as it has been, there is a crisis looming that nobody in Washington wants to discuss. It has to do with the national debt and social security program.

Could the Latest Global Credit Crisis Have Been Averted?

How many times have you heard this question asked? If we had a quarter for every time someone in the media or government asked this question asked in the last year we probably would not have to worry about the global credit crisis. Instead, the ripple effect of this crisis is like a thief sneaking into our pockets and saving, and stealing our money a little at a time.

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