Jorge Serrão: Chapa Lula-Alckmin é uma candidatura dupla que já nasce morta

Jorge Serrão: Chapa Lula-Alckmin é uma candidatura dupla que já nasce morta


Jorge Serrão analisa como a aliança entre Lula e Alckmin é totalmente indigesta para o eleitorado brasileiro considerando o passado histórico de rivalidade entre os dois, e aponta como o ex-governador de SP, na realidade, enfraquece o petista politicamente.

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Representational Monetary Identity

Let us analyze what happens in commercial banking. First, we have a deposit. Then, we have a loan of up to a fraction (of 90%) of this deposit. Finally, the borrower can deposit the borrowed money into another bank account, in the same bank or not. Suddenly, the trillion dollar question emerges: is the borrowed money in these two bank accounts… the same? On the one hand, the answer is yes: all borrowed money came from the original deposit — so it is that same original money. On the other hand, the answer is no: all money deposited into the borrower’s account possibly stays in the original depositor’s account — so it is not that same original money. How can that be?

Rural Economy

The rural economy is the backbone of each country. It is simply impossible to function without it.

The Big Lie: The Economic Downturn

The current economic collapse was no accident. It was planned and executed with exact precision and purpose. They thought it was ingenious, but in reality, it will lead to the ultimate demise of its creators.

Can We Ever Eliminate the Spectre of Poverty?

This article explores the nature of world-wide poverty, and if it can be eradicated totally. The largest youth-run organization, “Oaktree” has made many inroads within Australia, and overseas, by bringing public awareness and social justice implementations towards diminishing severe poverty, and improving the quality of lives, in third world countries.

Inflation Now a Concern for Latin America

The comparison between economic performance in Latin America, Europe and North America could not be further apart. While Latin America continues to power ahead, with average growth of around 4% in the last four years, the situation in Europe and North America is going backwards. European and North American governments are struggling to maintain budget spending, economies are struggling to pull away from the recent downturn and indeed a number of fiscal stimulus packages are having limited impact to say the least.

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