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Ruined Rural Economy Of India – Neglected Preferences Part 6
The article revolve around the economic failure of Indian farmers and various factors which ruined farming sector are analyzed. It also suggest various steps to revive Indian and world agro sectors based on two theories of Som-Kalpna Spiraling Rural Economy Cycle (SKSREC) mode and Kalpna’s Everlasting Economic Loop (KEEL).
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Fair Enough?This year is laced with an unusually large dose of irony. 2007 has been set up as a splendid celebration of half a century of nationhood and sovereignty, with Malaysia emerging as a successful, modern democracy that has succeeded in avoiding any encumbrances by over-dependence on other nations, especially those which wield considerable strategic strength. But it is also a year when this hard won independence is under jeopardy. Independence is not just freeing us from colonial masters. Independence is also about maintaining our sovereignty and being able to freely pursue policies without having to answer to another country. Simply put, independence must be safeguarded at all times so we can do what we want to do based on what we think is in our collective interests as Malaysians.