Jorge Serrão: Lula parece estar constantemente jogando contra a própria candidatura

Jorge Serrão: Lula parece estar constantemente jogando contra a própria candidatura


Jorge Serrão analisa como Lula desperdiçou a oportunidade que recebeu com a entrevista para a Revista Time, especialmente após seu comentário sobre Zelensky, e aponta como as declarações do petista o colocam em desvantagem sobre Bolsonaro.

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Comparisons of Global Wealth

Let’s think about how we fit in; how we compare with the rest of the world’s population in terms of poverty and affluence, because global inequity presents us with quite a challenge. Making the comparison…

The Fiscal Cliff

What is the “Fiscal Cliff” we keep hearing about? What are the implications for the economy?

Capitalism Simplified

Bill Ayers, co-founder of the Weather Underground terrorist organization and sponsor and mentor of Barack Obama, said recently, “I get up every morning trying to think what I can do today to destroy Capitalism.” That sentiment betrays a profound ignorance of what Capitalism is and how it works,. This article explains it in terms that should be understandable even to someone of Bill Ayers’ apparently limited intellectual capacity.

Explaining The American Economy, Simply

Simply stated, the American Economy is in a mess. But the average American cannot comprehend the dollar amounts of tax revenue verses the deficit and national debt. The concept of a billion dollars or even worse, a trillion dollars, is just beyond our ability to understand. This article explains the imbalance of revenue and debt in terms the average person can understand, even if they can’t visualize the enormous amounts.

The Future of Socialism, Austerity, and The Bankrupting Of Nations

Well, today as usual, I spent 15 or 20 minutes scanning the international news, the date is November 16, 2012. It appears that Spain is now having protests through the night, and everyone will hear about it tomorrow, and I’m sure it will be in the news cycle especially in Europe for the next week. Then I thought to myself; “why is all this happening?” It seems that people have bought into the utopian concept of socialism, but they are unwilling to help build it.

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