Home Vídeos News Jorge Serrão: Rachadinhas de Janones serão um desgaste difícil para o PT reverter

Jorge Serrão: Rachadinhas de Janones serão um desgaste difícil para o PT reverter

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Rachadinhas de Janones serão um desgaste difícil para o PT reverter

Jorge Serrão analisa como, apesar das denúncias das rachadinhas contra Janones prejudicarem a imagem do PT, o partido dificilmente conseguirá reverter esse desgaste, que ainda traz o caráter de vítima a Bolsonaro, e faz um apelo sobre a necessidade de mudanças estruturais para evitar a recorrência de casos como este.

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Primary Stage of Socialism in China

At his Press conference, Wen Jiabao acknowledged the need for political reforms in order to tackle many of China’s problems. For example, he blamed corruption on “excessive concentration of power” and a “lack of effective checks and oversight”, adding: “This makes it necessary to reform our system” by diffusion of power and enhancing public supervision of the government. There is also a need to change deep-rooted ways of thinking. Traditionally, government officials have considered themselves as superior to ordinary people. Wen showed a desire to change this concept by using the term “public servants”. Government officials, he said, “should be good public servants and serve the people. They do not have any other power.” Thousands of years of tradition will not be easy to overcome. But Wen suggests that the government is planning to lead the way.

Where Does The Money Come From

The one question nobody asks, and the one driving force that defines the sad state of the world today. The fact is, nobody knows, apart from a very few. But there are a few things we do know. We know that the money supply has been increasing world-wide at around 7.5% per year, and that local governments do not create any of it. And we know that all new money is issued by the banking system as interest-bearing debt. This truly is a curious state of affairs whereby someone somewhere is creating all this new money out of thin air and selling it to us through the banks at high interest.

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